If you watch the Big Brother Canada 9 live feeds, then you know that they’ve been down all night following the latest eviction. This is unusual because the BBCAN9 Live Feeds usually return following the episode. This allows us, watchers, to catch up on the latest drama, spoilers, and find out what the newest HOH plays to do with their power.
Fridays are always the Big Brother Canada nominations, and usually, we know by now who will be hitting the block this week as initial nominees. However, this week is a bit different in general because it involves an Invisible HOH.
The Invisible HOH gets to act in secret. They won last night’s HOH competition that involved counting falling rocks. Now, all week, they get to make nominations in secret, replacement nominations in secret, and can possibly play in this week’s Power of Veto competition if their chip is chosen. They also get the chance to be Head of Household twice in a row if they win again next week, because they’re eligible to play in next week’s HOH competition as well.
This is one powerful Head of Household week. With power comes punishment for the feed watchers. Apparently, BBCAN9 woke up yesterday and chose violence. It appears they may be restricting feeds this week to keep us guessing until Monday’s episode when we see for sure who won the Head of Household competition.
Big Brother Canada 9 did throw feed watchers a tiny bone today by putting the feeds back on for a few minutes as a “peek” at what’s going on in the house. Then the official Big Brother Canada Twitter page tweeted that the feeds would be officially back until later tonight.
UPDATE: We know you want to see what’s up in the house — enjoy this peek!
Feeds will be going down again shortly but will return later this evening. #BBCAN9 https://t.co/sP7qV4BK3U
— Big Brother Canada (@BigBrotherCA) March 26, 2021
We have to wait likely until after the nominations for the BBCAN9 live feeds to officially start up again. However, today’s preview gave us enough info that we may know who won the HOH…stay tuned for that post.
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