It’s only been four weeks in the game, but Big Brother Canada 9 has already been one of the messiest, but entertaining, seasons we’ve had in years. It’s a must-watch season with the power dynamic shifting each week. BBCAN9 has already had three major evictions, with three big characters, Julie, Josh, and recently LaToya, leaving back-to-back. It’s been such an exciting season that no one wants to miss any minute.
Along with 24/7 access and Big Brother Canada 9 Live Feeds always on, fans are treated each week to three episodes. One on Monday, another on Wednesday, and a Thursday live eviction. Even if you’re not one to watch the edited episodes, many people tune into the Thursday episode to see who goes home, and possibly who wins Head of Household.
The BBCAN9 episodes air as followed on Monday at 9:00pm EST, Wednesday at 7:00pm EST, and Thursday at 8:00pm EST. This schedule can be a little confusing and hard to remember, but now that the show has been airing for three weeks, most of the fans have gotten into the groove of watching the series at these dates and times. However, things are about to change.
A press release was published earlier today that established that the Thursday live eviction episodes on GlobalTV will now be moving from 8:00pm EST to 9:00pm EST. This means the new Global TV schedule goes as followed: Monday at 9:00pm EST, Wednesday at 7:00pm EST, and Thusday at 9:00pm EST. Fans will now have to wait an extra hour to see who goes home. This new schedule is supposed to be in effect this Thursday, so BBCAN9 fans make sure to note the schedule change this upcoming Thursday to not miss the next live eviction.
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