Tonight on Big Brother Canada another twist was announced and once again BBCAN is going to the audience to give away a week’s control to the viewers’ votes instead of letting Houseguests just play the game. Sigh.

As Arisa described it, viewers will be voting on two Houseguests to face off in a “game of chance” that will decide who will be the next HoH. So who do you want it to be?
Voting is open right now at Global but the voting ends at 8PM ET just in time for the eviction show which means the HGs will be hanging around waiting from when it was taped earlier in the day. That also means we won’t find out by the end of the show since the show isn’t live. It’ll be Feed spoilers again this week for the latest HoH.
So back to the question at hand. Which two HGs do you want to see up for the chance to become the new Head of Household for Week 8 of BBCAN4? Vote now in our poll for your two picks then find out on Thursday who won the power.