We have your Big Brother Canada spoilers as this week’s Power of Veto Ceremony is over and revealed on the Live Feeds to give us this week’s final nominations, the third for the season so far.

After some interesting discussions and potential Veto plans over the weekend it was time to make a decision and get ready for the next eviction. So what was the final choice? Read on for your BBCAN4 spoilers.
Dallas, the holder of the Power of Veto this week, decided to not use the Veto. So far the PoV has not been put in to play even once this season. Lame!
Cassandra and Christine remain on the Block as we head toward Thursday’s eviction show. Now we’ll see the scramble to lock down the votes they’ll need to stick around. With so much back and forth it’s tough to tell for sure just yet which way this will go.
Last time Loveita didn’t get her way, but will general nervousness about rocking the boat send Cassandra, Loveita’s preferred eviction, out the door next?
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