The Big Brother Canada spoilers are in for the latest Power of Veto Ceremony delivering our final nominations for the round as we start counting votes.

After last week’s debacle it’d take a lot to top that and the latest Head of Household wasn’t interested in more drama leaving things to go off without any surprises or fireworks.
Godfrey and Sindy were up on the block following Pilar’s nominations. When Godfrey won the Power of Veto competition everyone knew he’d use it and someone else would have to go up.
Pili decided early that Brittnee was the right renom choice but she did consider some alternatives involving Bobby thanks to his lie about having a special Veto power.
That puts Brittnee and Sindy back on the block with one of them set to be evicted. The plan is for Sindy to leave, but I think we all know how things can turn out in the BBCAN3 house.
Who do you hope is evicted next? Is Sindy’s return to the house coming to an end or will Brittnee being the one heading to the Jury house?
As for when this next eviction could happen, the HGs are locked down and can hear construction in the backyard. Could this be playing in to the anticipated and teased double eviction?