Big Brother Canada 2 is on Slice tonight at 9PM ET/PT with the latest of what’s going on inside that BBCAN house with Thursday’s Head of Household Competition conclusion and then Nomination Ceremony to see who is in charge and who is on the block.

Once again the previous Head of Household comp cut off before it was completed so we’ll get to start up with the end of that battle. From there we’ll pick up with the fallout from that win and the build up to this week’s nomination ceremony.
The numbers are stacked against Rachelle and Sabrina as the last two members of the Gremlins (Forsakens) so they’ve got a battle ahead of them to stay in the house.
If you can’t wait until tonight check out the latest Big Brother Canada spoilers to see what’s been going on then join us back here tonight to share your thoughts on the latest BBCAN2 action.
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