Tonight on Big Brother Canada the HGs are back with the results of the latest Head of Household competition and the nominations ceremony at 9PM ET/PT on Slice. Get ready to find out what’s been going on inside the BBCAN2 house!

Last week’s show ended when Arisa brought out the three secret HGs who have been staying trapped inside the small war room for the past several days as they accumulate votes and support in their bid to become the 15th official HG of the 2014 season.
Meanwhile inside the house there’s been plenty of drama as a new HoH was crowned and has revealed this week’s nominations. The anticipation of those nominations caused quite the stir and accusations of racism by the expected targets. Of course it seems more like a bitter, poor sport reaction when you consider the targets are the ones making those claims.
If you can’t wait until tonight check out the latest Big Brother Canada spoilers to see what’s been going on then join us back here tonight to share your thoughts on the latest BBCAN2 action.
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