Big Brother Canada 10’s most powerful duo once again has all the important power this week. Kevin Jacobs and Haleena Gill have the sole votes to evict this week.
They could use these votes to either secure an already loyal ally even more by voting Josh Nash to stay, or they can take a gamble and vote for Jacey-Lynne Graham to stay. If you know you know the Ghosts’ plan, you might or you might be surprised.
The week has been a critical week for Haleena and Kevin, because they’ve spent it going back and forth on who to evict. Currently (as I write this at 1:00pm CST on Wednesday), the plan is to vote out Josh.
The duo came to this decision for a number of reasons, including fear of Josh being better at competitions than he seems, worry about Josh winning the jury votes, and hope that they have an easier shot of beating Betty and Jacey-Lynne in competitions going forward.
Jacey-Lynne has also been campaigning hard to stay. Haleena and Kevin also are convinced that she would take them to the end more than Josh would, especially if Betty is still around.
Now Kevin and Haleena have been debating all week, so this conversation may not be over. There is still a big chance that they once again flip to keeping Josh. I wouldn’t be surprised if they finalize their decision right before the eviction.
12am on Thursday update: Haleena and Kevin have no flipped again to voting out Jacey-Lynn and keeping Josh. This may be their final decision, or they could flip again in the morning.
Are you happy that Jacey-Lynne may stay? Do you think Kevin and Haleena will flip again? Are Haleena and Kevin burning too many jury votes?
Join us tomorrow for another Big Brother Canada 10 Live Eviction episode. With the eviction still a bit unclear, it may be a can’t miss episode.
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