Big Brother decided to play a little prank on the Big Brother Canada 10 houseguests today. While worrying about the next Power of Veto Ceremony, Big Brother decided to interrupt their regularly scheduled programming.
It also decided to disrupt ours by showing us some of the Big Brother Canada 10 Diary Session with Kevin Jacobs. In the DR, Kevin read instructions that told him he had to find a secret room.
Later, he proceeded to tell the houseguests that he planned to self-evict because he missed home and his significant other too much. Kevin has been really missing his other half, so this made his lie semi-believable. However, not quite believable for some houseguests.
The houseguests all gave very interesting reactions. Most tried to talk him out of self-eviction. Jacey-Lynne Graham and Summer Sayles immediately knew something wasn’t right with Kevin saying that he would self-evict, especially with only a few weeks left. Steven “Gino” Giannopoulos also then began to suspect it wasn’t genuine.

Martin “Marty” Frenette instantly thought it might be Kevin’s attempt to stay off the block as the replacement nominee. Josh Nash and Haleena Gill completely believed Kevin and even began crying.
Kevin walked to the Big Brother doors. He pretended he was leaving. He then stopped, turned around, and told everyone he was sent a task by Marsha the Moose.
Our guess is he found the secret room with Marsha in it and he was told he had to pretend to self-evict so that they could win an Easter party.
We should see this task play out with DR commentary on Wednesday’s episode of Big Brother Canada 10.

For those who watched it play out live, did you enjoy this task?
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