Big Brother Canada 10 Spoilers: Is It Time For Another Blindside?

Hermon Nizghi on Big Brother Canada 10Big Brother Canada 10 is all about blindsides and backdoors. This week Big Brother Canada 10 might be in for another blindside—this time even without an initial nominee winning the Power of Veto Competition. Kevin Jacobs may have an easy walk to the finals if he completes his mission this week. Big Brother Canada 10 spoilers coming up next. You have been warned.

Kevin’s mission: Get Hermon Nizghi out of the Big Brother Canada 10 game. and he’s one step closer to completing that mission this week. All weekend, Martin “Marty” Frenette has wanted to remove Betty Yirsaw or Josh Nash out of the game, but he’s been flipped to see another side of the target coin, Kevin’s side. Once Kevin won this week’s Power of Veto Competition, he went to work.

Kevin has seen Hermon as his biggest opponent for a while. Once Hermon leaves, it could be smooth sailing for Kevin to a victory. Kevin kept trying to convince Marty that now was the time to get out Hermon. Marty resisted for a while, but eventually changed his tune.

He also spoke to Steven “Gino” Giannopoulos about it, and he said just enough for Marty to feel good about this idea. Marty has also already told Betty and Josh that they will be safe this week. So it’s pretty much a done deal for Marty to nominate Hermon during tomorrow’s Power of Veto Ceremony. Kevin will use his Veto to save Josh. Marty will nominate Hermon, and Hermon and Betty will have all week to fight it out to not become the first member of the Big Brother Canada 10 jury. 

However, it may not be over for Hermon, but he will have a long road ahead. He has to get Gino, Summer Sayless, and Jacey-Lynne Graham to ensure his safety. If any player can do it, Hermon may be the one.

Also, Marty has been all over the place this week, so he could easily change bus mind on who to nominate before Monday, but it would take the right person getting in his head to flip this decision. I don’t see that happening anytime soon, but never say never on Big Brother. 

Do you think Kevin will succeed in getting Marty to blindside Hermon this week?

Make sure to join us tomorrow to see what happens during this week’s Big Brother Canada 10 Power of Veto Ceremony. Then come back at 7:00pm EST for an all-new BBCAN10 recap. As always, keep it turned into Big Brother Network Canada addition for all things BBCAN10. Add us on Facebook, and Twitter, and download our app.