She might be out of the house, but she isn’t out of the game. Big Brother Canada 3’s first evicted Houseguest was Risha Denner this week when she was narrowly voted out over Pilar Nemer. Before she heads in to four weeks of isolation she sat down with ET Canada’s Graeme O’Neil for a round of “Firsts.”

Like a lightning round of questions where your first response is the right one, or at least the one we want to hear. Here’s what Risha came up with for responses.
First thought walking in to the Big Brother Canada 3 house: “Where’s the champagne?”
First HGs she talked to in the house: Zach and Graig.
First clothing she went for when they got their clothes back: her hoodie.
First thought Risha had when she was evicted: “This sucks.”
First HG she would have evicted: Willow. “She’s cute, sweet, and entertaining, but that girl, she’s a game player.”
First pick to be up against in the F2: Sarah.
Watch the whole video below of Risha talking with ET Canada this week.