Big Brother Canada Renewed for Big Brother Canada 8!
Big Brother Canada 7 ended on a cliff hanger. No we were not left wondering who won Big Brother Canada 7, that title and prize went to Dane . Instead, fans were left wondering about […]
Big Brother Canada 7 ended on a cliff hanger. No we were not left wondering who won Big Brother Canada 7, that title and prize went to Dane . Instead, fans were left wondering about […]
It’s Big Brother Canada finale night. Tonight, we’ll see either Dane, Anthony, or Kyra take home the BBCAN7 crown. Before we get there, we have a lot of episode to get through. Last night, Adam […]
There are a few more hours until we watch the Big Brother Canada finale play out. We’ll witness Kyra, Anthony, or Dane walk away the winner of the season. Last night, we saw Adam’s dreams […]
Tonight, we find out who takes the Big Brother Canada crown. Last night, we saw Adam become the fourth place finisher, leaving Anthony, Dane, and Kyra to fight it out for the big grand prize. […]
In about 24-hours, we will know which of the final three players won Big Brother Canada 7. It’s been a long road for Anthony, Dane, and Kyra. Now the journey ends for all three of […]
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