Tonight on Big Brother Canada the Head of Household competition cliffhanger is resolved when we watch one pair complete the challenge and decide which of them would be the new HoH.

The new HoH will be tasked with picking nominations for the week and after a string of three women sent packing maybe it’s finally time for a guy to go? Well, we’ll see about that.
It’s been a pretty busy few days inside the BBCAN house and we’ve had some good drama on the Feeds with the results from the HoH comp, nominations, and even the Veto results. Should make for a few good episodes this week.
Can’t wait? We’ve got your noms and PoV spoilers here to get you caught up on the Live Feeds.
Join us back here tonight at 7PM ET for a live chat about the show and we’ll enjoy it together. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email Updates for even more Big Brother Canada coverage.