Tonight on Big Brother Canada 3 the conclusion of last week’s Head of Household competition is revealed and two more Houseguests go up on the chopping block for nominations.

When we last saw the BBCAN3 HGs on Wednesday night they were preparing to hold out in an endurance competition for the chance at taking charge as HoH along with the perk of immunity for the week. Later that night the Live Feeds came alive and we found out who had won HoH in case you need the spoilers now and can’t wait for the show.
Along with the HoH comp we’ll see who goes up on the block in the first real Nominations Ceremony of the season. There were a lot of shifting plans in the house which lead to a good bit of back forth which targets changing by the hour. Who knows if all that will make the cut though with just an hour.
Over the past few days we’ve also seen the Veto competition results revealed and plans made for today’s upcoming Veto Ceremony, which won’t air until Monday night.
The new Big Brother Canada 3 episode airs at 7/6c and you can watch on Global from Canada or over at for his live stream at 7PM ET/PT.