Big Brother Canada is back tonight with the latest Power of Veto competition and after a Feed blackout that lasted more than six hours we can’t wait to see what in the world was going on in there.

Going in to tonight’s episode we saw Heather and Sabrina on the block with Jeda targeting Heather. Her back is against the wall with this competition whether she knows it or not.
Be sure to catch tonight’s show on Slice so you can see how it all went down and why HGs were complaining about how long it all went on. We know it was a timed competition and several HGs are confident they completed theirs faster than the announced winner.
If you can’t wait for tonight’s Big Brother Canada 2 show to see what happened with the Veto then check our our spoilers board, the best place to check whenever you want to know the latest on the major events in the game.
Find out how to watch tonight’s Big Brother Canada show even if you’re outside Canada. Streaming is free and easy to use.
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