Thanks to all of you for joining me throughout the Big Brother Canada 2 season. This site would be nothing without the readers and though I’d still watch and write about this show in an empty room it’s so much better to share it with other fans and friends.
Big Brother Canada might be over but Big Brother 16 is getting ready to start up in just a few more weeks. Crazy to think we’ll be doing this all over again that soon but you know I’d never miss it and I hope you’ll join us over on the BBUS site, bigbrothernetwork.com!
Once again this season of BBCAN raised the bar for Big Brother both in terms of its quality of cast and its entertainment factor. We saw a constant flow of events, tasks, and games for the HGs that kept things from slowing or stagnating through the weeks. It’s such a great way to enjoy the show and Feeds that keeps everyone inside and out entertained. Let’s hope CBS and BB16’s production team took notes and works to up their game too!
I’ll keep an eye out for off-season news and updates for Big Brother Canada’s hopeful return next season (unless I missed that news already!).
Thank you again, faithful Big Brother fans and readers!