Big Brother Canada 12 Spoilers: Week 10 Power of Veto Competition Results
The final Big Brother Canada 12 Power of Veto Competition happened. Find out who won it and secured their spot in the final three. […]
The final Big Brother Canada 12 Power of Veto Competition happened. Find out who won it and secured their spot in the final three. […]
Anthony has been talking about taking out Victoria this BBCAN12 week. However, it depends on whether she lost the Veto Competition. Does he get his chance to nominate her? […]
Avery and Bayleigh are the block. They both really need the Veto because one of them could become the first victim of the double eviction. Find out who won the Power of Veto and whether it was used. […]
After the latest episode, the Big Brother Canada 12 Digitial Dailies dropped late this evening, It was three days’ worth of content. The finally answered some very important questions: who won the Power of Veto […]
This Big Brother Canada 12-week starts with Avery wanting to send Elijah out the door. It has been a whirlwind week so far. The target shifts have been constant. Find out what happened with the Veto in Week 5. […]
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