This Big Brother Canada 12-week starts with Avery wanting to send Elijah out the door. It has been a whirlwind week so far. The target shifts have been constant. And even after the Power of Veto Ceremony, the target isn’t completely set. The house could still evict either of the nominees. The only thing known for sure if the Power of Veto winner and the Ceremony outcome.
On Sunday’s Big Brother Canada 12 episode, we saw Avery nominate Elijah and Tola for eviction. Elijah is her target. She even bluntly told him with her nomination ceremony speech. However, Avery’s alliance, specifically Bayleigh, Kayla, and Victoria, thought they should use this week for a bigger move. Avery wanted to play it safe. Just get out Elijah and move on to the next portion of the game.
She especially didn’t want to evict Matt during her Head of Household reign. They are friends. Additionally, she sees him as a potential vote in her favor on the jury. However, as we’ve seen throughout the season, Avery can be swayed. No one should truly feel safe with her as Head of Household. It depends on who Victoria wants out.

BBCAN12 Week 5 Power of Veto Competition Results
- Tola won the Power of Veto!
BBCAN12 Week 5 Power of Veto Ceremony Results
- Tola used the Veto to save himself. Avery named Matt as his replacement.
We took the long road to get Matt on the block. It included fighting within the Big Sisters, Avery having to have many game conversations with everyone, and Elijah promising Todd his loyalty. If Tola hadn’t won the Veto, Avery agreed to get him out. She wanted to make a big move, just not Matt on her HOH.
Whether Elijah or Matt leaves this week is yet to be determined. However, it’s a major step forward if Avery, Victoria, and Kayla want to climb to the top of the game.
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