Big Brother Canada 12: Midseason Power Ranking
We only have about a month left of Big Brother Canada 12, so time to rank the final ten players on who is most likely to (currently) win the season. […]
We only have about a month left of Big Brother Canada 12, so time to rank the final ten players on who is most likely to (currently) win the season. […]
Avery wants to play the week safely by just nominating Tola and Elijah. However, the Power of Veto shakes up the game in a major way. Read our recap. […]
Anthony and Victoria have been aligned all season. However, a major game move may completely split their games. Is their alliance done for good? […]
This week may experience a major shake up depending on who the house decides to evict. […]
This Big Brother Canada 12-week starts with Avery wanting to send Elijah out the door. It has been a whirlwind week so far. The target shifts have been constant. Find out what happened with the Veto in Week 5. […]
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