Big Brother Canada 2: Ika Shreds HouseGuests’ Hopes
Yesterday in the Big Brother Canada house the Feeds were cut off for a long time and when they came back we found out Ika had taken revenge on the rest of the house. Since […]
Yesterday in the Big Brother Canada house the Feeds were cut off for a long time and when they came back we found out Ika had taken revenge on the rest of the house. Since […]
The next Big Brother Canada eviction is still two days away, but the picture is pretty clear on what’s going to happen with Rachelle’s HoH tenure. This is going to be hilarious to watch as […]
Spoilers are in for Big Brother Canada’s Veto Ceremony now the the Feeds are back from the meeting. The HGs gathered today in the living room to hear what the winner of this week’s Veto […]
Big Brother Canada 2 was back on Slice again last night with the conclusion of the Head of Household competition and the new nominations. The show is now available online so you can catch up […]
Later today in the Big Brother Canada house the HGs will gather around for this week’s Power of Veto Ceremony. The winner of the Veto will announce if it will be used or not before […]
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