Last Night on Big Brother Canada 3 two more Houseguests were evicted leaving us with the final four of the season and one week to go until we find out who will win BBCAN3.

Just when you thought things were going to be calmer after last week’s Coup D’Etat craze we got to see a Double Eviction catch the HGs off guard as they expected two more weeks of action rather than just one. Ready to find out who survived the night?
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Eviction Vote – Week 9:
- Brittnee votes to evict Zach
- Godfrey votes to evict Zach
- It’s official.
- Ashleigh votes to evict Zach
By a vote of 3-0, Zach has been evicted from the Big Brother house.
Head of Household Comp – Week 9.5:
Houseguests have to work a wood peg through a maze to free the fly atop it. First to do so wins a bottle of Oxi-Clean and HoH.
- Brittne wins HoH
Nominations – Week 9.5:
- Ashleigh
- Pilar
Veto Comp – Week 9.5:
It’s a high-speed version of the ball-in-jug game where HGs pour liquid in from one side to the next. The theme is auto, so they’re on those under-car roller thingies.
- Ashleigh wins the Power of Veto.
Veto Ceremony – Week 9.5:
- Ashleigh saves herself. Godfrey renom’d.
Eviction Vote – Week 9.5:
- Ashleigh votes to evict Godfrey
- Sarah votes to evict Pilar
Tie! Brittnee will have to break it. First time of the season. Britt votes to evict… Pilar!
The Big Brother Canada finale arrives next Wednesday and we’ll be covering all the spoilers and updates as we head toward the big results when we find out who will win BBCAN!