Last night we found out was voted out of Big Brother Canada this week as the Final 3 were revealed just one night ahead of the BBCAN4 finale on Global.

Only one vote awaited us on Wednesday and that means there was no trip to the Diary Room for the sole voter who instead stood and delivered the eviction news. But before we get there we’ll have to settle the Veto events from over the weekend as we move on to the end.
While we’ve got the PoV comp spoilers the Feeds went down before the ceremony and surprise eviction so this will all be new official results coming up in the show.
Power of Veto – Week 11:
- Nick wins another comp & drags Phil along to F3.
- Nick does not use the Veto. Noms remain the same.
The Veto results will set us up for who will be the single voter for this week’s eviction. Now that’s a lot of power!
Eviction Vote – Week 11:
- Kelsey votes to evict: Cassandra
With one more Houseguest gone from BBCAN we’ve got the season’s finale roster. They’ll each be competing in three final requiring endurance, quick memory of the season, and insight to their fellow HGs.
Big Brother Canada 4’s Final 3:
- Kelsey
- Phil/Nick
- Tim
Voting is now open at the official site for who should get the viewers’ vote. It’s an open, 3-way poll. Problem here with that. In our latest poll Cassandra was the top pick, but now she’s gone. Tim was second, but what if he doesn’t make it? What if his supporters would go to one of the two and push him or her over the edge for the win? These should have been three separate pairs of polls to cover all scenarios. Tsk tsk.
Here, let’s run our own polls and see if there’s a difference between a combination poll and the broken out match-ups.
One of those three Houseguests will be crowned the winner of Big Brother Canada during Thursday’s season finale starting at 7PM ET/PT on Global so be sure to catch the show early and find out who will win the season!