The final nominees are set for Big Brother Canada 4 as this week’s Houseguests on the Block face Thursday’s eviction vote where one of them will be going home. Right now, that vote looks set.

After some surprising shifts over the last few weeks this time around things have been pretty calm and quiet as the decision has been made for who will go home this week on BBCAN4 and no one seems to be fighting it.
Since Dallas didn’t use the Veto on Monday the choices remained for either Kelsey or Raul to be evicted and since the theme so far seems to be “Evict Women” there’s no real surprise here. Kelsey appears slated for elimination.
She’s effectively said her goodbyes with Jared and all is at peace. Their short-lived showmance won’t have the lasting power that we’ve seen from other seasons’ power couples, but it was really too soon to tell if these two could have been a comparable duo to those in the past.
All the same, Raul should be safe this week and have a shot at winning HoH on Thursday. I don’t see this being a close vote like we had last week with the 6-5 fun thanks to Tim. No one has been building a support team to keep Kelsey around and even she seems fully resigned to head on home.
We’re still two days out and someone could wedge a foot in their mouth in that time so we’ll keep an eye on things, but if the vote were held today it’d be Kelsey who was evicted.
Think that’s the right choice for the house this week? Who would you vote to evict from BBCAN4?