Later today in the Big Brother Canada 4 house the Power of Veto Ceremony will be held where the PoV holder will announce whether or not the move will be made to change up this week’s nominations.

Kelsey and Raul are on the Block at the hands of Joel and now one of them stands the chance of safety, but should they expect it? Find out the latest spoilers from the Live Feeds as the HGs get ready for today’s meeting.
Dallas won the Power of Veto on Saturday which gives him a nice little bit of control yet again this week. If he wants then he could save either Kelsey or Raul, but what do you think? Of course not! They’re not on his side of the table and one of them going home is great for his game and he isn’t going to hide from that.
Speaking with Kelsey last night Dallas gave her clear advice: start rallying votes if you want to stay.
Kelsey asks Dallas what he's going to do with the veto, he's keeping it the same & recommends her to start campaigning to stay #BBCAN4
— BigBrotherJunkie (@89razorskate20) March 21, 2016
Yep, these noms are going to stay right where they are as neither Raul or Kelsey should expect a change in their situation. It’ll come down to Thursday night’s vote for just how the Third Wheel alliance will be broken up.
Do you think Dallas is making the right choice? Could he work out some sort of beneficial deal for himself or maybe get another, bigger target up on the Block instead? Share your thoughts and get ready for the official results later today.