The Power of Veto competition is over for this week of Big Brother Canada 4 and spoilers reveal who has won the PoV with the chance to change up the noms.

Loveita made some interesting nominations last night and now the house is scrambling to make sense of what’s going on and make sure they’re not going to be part of a new plan.
Loveita was joined by her noms, Cassandra and Christine, along with Dallas, Jared, and Ramsey while Tim hosted this week’s Veto competition.
Dallas won the Power of Veto.
After spending Friday night after the noms ceremony conversing with Cassandra that they needed to help her get off the Block we then saw Loveita wandering the Big Brother house trying to convince HGs that they needed to keep Cassandra on the Block and sent home next. Loveita is all over the place. It’s wildly entertaining.
Dallas was toying with the idea of trying to get the brothers, Phil and Nick, nominated and evicted, but Loveita isn’t having it. Seems she learned from the error of her ways in week one when her target, Kelsey, stayed put in the house. Loveita isn’t going to be so hands off this time, huh?
At this point Dallas agreed with Loveita not to use the Veto, but Monday afternoon is a long way off. Think anyone will change their mind? Could be fun if they do!
What do you think the situation? Should the Veto be used or is it better off keeping things the same and keeping the HoH happy?