The Big Brother Canada 4 House has been revealed as a “Las Vegas-inspired” design for the new season as official photos from Global and Shaw confirm the early details leaked from audience members in Friday’s premiere advanced taping.

New season means a new design for BBCAN4 and the theme this year is a Vegas luxury hotel. We had our first look at the front stage with a huge glowing sign of “BBCAN GRAND” and now we have the rest of the new house design.
Here’s the official description of the new Big Brother Canada house:
“Sporting a vibrant colour scheme, splashy décor, and extravagant rooms, the Season 4 houseguests have struck it lucky with this year’s glitzy accommodations, including a disco-themed hot tub area; an indoor pool; the most extravagant Head of Household room ever; and two impeccably appointed bedrooms – perfect for late night alliance strategy sessions or getting cozy with a showmance.”
Update: More pics released including a look at one of the bedrooms, the Diary Room hallway, and what’s become of the Vault this season.
I like how the pool area is now open to the living space. It always seemed so cut off and stuck in a corner with light use so maybe we’ll see some more hangout time there. Of course that also means it won’t be as good of a hush-hush talk spot with an open door like that.
The description for the house notes an “extravagant Head of Household room ever; and two impeccably appointed bedrooms” which might mean we finally have more than the one gigantic, open hall bedroom. That reads like there is the HoH room plus two more bedrooms. Was it split in two? I can’t imagine the HN room is being described as “impeccably appointed” but we’ll have to wait and see.
With a posh luxury design for the good parts, the bad has to be really bad, right? There were no pictures of the HN room released with the press photos, but supposedly the Have-Not room will be a Vegas wedding chapel. So should we expect the HNs to be sleeping on church pews? Big Brother Canada is usually pretty creative on HN rooms so I’m looking forward to seeing it.
Lots more spoilers and details from the season premiere taping if you want to get ahead of Wednesday’s debut episode. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email Updates for even more BBCAN4 coverage.