Big Brother Canada promised us no more twists this season after that last curve ball so they’re calling this one a “surprise.” The latest twist surprise has the potential to make a dramatic impact on the season’s outcome as it could unravel one HGs plans for victory.

At the end of Monday’s penultimate episode of BBCAN3 the Final 3 were sent to the Vault with a task. There will be 10 Jurors but to avoid a tie one of them would be excused from the final vote. These three remaining HGs would have to decide on who would get evicted again this season.
Initially I thought they’d let each of the 3 eliminate one so we’d be back down to the usual seven for BBCAN, but that’s not the case. This way offers much more potential for conflict. Excellent.
All 3 HGs must agree on one HG to eliminate from the Jury pool. They can’t leave the Vault until the choice has been made and it must be unanimous.
To kick off the discussions it was suggested that each of them would pick two that they wanted to protect. Sarah took Brittnee and Sindy. Ashleigh took Zach and Pilar. Godfrey, well it’s tough to say who would be a sure thing vote for Godfrey.
We won’t find out who was eliminated from the Jury until Wednesday night’s Big Brother finale when someone from the Jury finds out they wasted a whole lotta time in there.
Who do you think the F3 should kick out from the most important vote of the season?