This week’s Power of Veto competition is over for Big Brother Canada 3 and this is just the start to a fast paced week with two rounds of events including a double elimination.

Feeds were down for most of the afternoon and well in to the night which got me thinking they might be down until the next episode with all this craziness planned by Big Brother Canada. Nope, things returned and the Veto competition was an individual timed event.
Want to know who won the Power of Veto for this round? Read on.
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Kevin is the head of Household so he played along with his nominees Bobby and Brittnee. They were joined by Ashleigh, Pilar, and Sarah.
Kevin won the Power of Veto for Week 7 and now holds all the power to decide what will happen with his nominations. Kevin also won $10K at The Brick. I guess that’s better than $10K of Oxi powered detergent.
Sarah is frantically worried that she’ll be renom’d while Bobby is expecting to come down and see Godfrey go up. It’ll be interesting to see how Bobby covers his story about having a special Veto power (he doesn’t) and why he needs Kevin to use the regular one on him.
What do you think will happen at the Power of Veto Ceremony coming up? We’ll have to see when this follow-on Double Eviction hits. Things could get messy real soon!