Big Brother Canada 2 is on Slice tonight at 9PM ET/PT with the latest Nomination Ceremony where we’ll find out officially who Ika, the new HoH, has put on the block.

We’ve seen a lot of action on the Feeds from new HG Allison, but it’ll be interesting to see how she is edited for the show and whether or not her budding romance with Andrew makes it in the cut. Yep, they’ve been having some late night kisses around the house.
Tonight’s show will pick up where Thursday left off and include the nominations ceremony, but won’t make it in to the Veto content but we’ve already got those spoilers at the link below.
If you can’t wait until tonight check out the latest Big Brother Canada spoilers to see what’s been going on then join us back here tonight to share your thoughts on the latest BBCAN2 action.
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