The Power of Veto Ceremony will be held later today in the Big Brother Canada house and we’ve got your spoilers on what’s going to happen.

When the Feeds finally returned last night we were able to follow HGs discussing parts of what had happened during the unnecessary blackout and their thoughts on what was coming up at the Veto Ceremony.
Read on for the latest spoilers from inside the Big Brother house.
Kenny revealed to Arlie his concerns over Jon using the Veto at Monday’s meeting and considering Kenny likely next in line for the block we understand why.
Kenny said Jon had already promised Sabrina that he would use the Veto to protect her and take her off the block leaving open a spot for the renom.
Later Jon spoke with Sarah about that decision and said while he didn’t intentionally want to put Kenny at risk he was not going to avoid using his Veto over the chance that Kenny would be renom’d.
This morning Sarah sat with Kenny and said she didn’t think Jon would use it, but she did it in a “you don’t think he would, do you?” so she might just be playing coy.
When the Feeds cut for today’s Veto Ceremony I’m expecting Jon to use his Power of Veto on Sabrina and in her place we are likely to see Kenny go up on the block.
What do you think of Jon’s move to save Sabrina? With the house already set on evicting Andrew is there much for Jon to gain with the roll-of-the-dice potential for who could get renom’d?