The first eviction show of Big Brother Canada 2 arrives tonight on Slice starting at 9PM ET and we’ll be here covering all the results and spoilers live as it airs!

Tonight on Slice we’ll officially find out who was nominated, what happened with the Veto, and who now faces possible eviction. Of course if you can’t wait for that news then check out our Big Brother Canada spoilers page with a quick list of the latest news from inside the BBCAN house.
Once the first eviction is through the HGs will move on to the next Head of Household competition. Everyone but Paul (and whoever gets evicted) will be able to compete for a chance to move into power for the next week.
Last year these “live” shows were filmed in advance and not really live in the typical sense, but there was a live audience there at the time. We’ll keep an eye out to see if there’s a chance for early spoilers on tonight’s eviction and share any news we find.
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