The next Big Brother Canada eviction is still two days away, but the picture is pretty clear on what’s going to happen with Rachelle’s HoH tenure. This is going to be hilarious to watch as the First Five keep control of this game week after week while no one seems to suspect what’s going on.
Read on to find out who is set to be evicted next from the BBCAN2 house or wait for days to find out the same info from the shows…
This morning Kenny and Andrew visited Rachelle (dressed as a hot dog, naturally) and reaffirmed what’s going to happen on Thursday night. Now that the Veto Ceremony is over, Allison saved herself, and Ika was renom’d there’s no doubt that Ika will be evicted from Big Brother Canada. Even Ika knows this is coming.
Kenny and Andrew were in complete agreement with Rachelle that this would go through but they also discussed contingency plans in case there was some sort of viewer influence that saved Ika from the block. Kenny and Andrew pushed for Jon to be the renom though Rachelle worried this could be bad for her if it didn’t work and he stayed in the game.
I don’t think we’ll get any surprises like that so watch for Ika to be overwhelmingly voted out on Thursday. Do you think that’s the right choice over Heather?
Will the Final Five keep their hold on the game going with the next HoH win? With Sabrina wielding so much influence around the house they’ve already proven they don’t even have to hold the crown to have its power.