We enjoyed another Big Brother Canada last night on Slice and they’ve posted the latest episode so you can watch it online too if you missed the show.
Sunday’s episode caught us up on the latest round of nominations, but if you’ve been following our spoilers list then you already knew what happened.
The more interesting storyline was how the new houseguest, Allison, was doing in her secretive roll. So far I’d say she’s doing very well and while they didn’t show it in the episode, Allison has been working Andrew along the romantic lines. And of course that’s not going over well with Sabrina who has a thing for Andrew (as well as Kenny as well as… possibly any other guy who glances in her direction).
You can watch Big Brother Canada episode 6 right now on Slice.ca, but if you’re outside Canada you’ll first need to visit Hola.org using a Chrome browser. Install the free add-on then go over to Slice.ca and let Hola unblock the site by picking the little Canadian flag.
Here’s the direct link to watch BBCAN2 episode 6 online at Slice.