Big Brother Canada 2 is over and we have a new winner! The 2014 season final three faced off during last night’s show in a three-round HoH competition and gave us some shocking results making for a fantastic season finale.
Definitely take time to watch the show because there was a lot of fun events and banter between the HGs. The Jury was happy, well mostly, and the Final Two gave a great show. Of course if you don’t have that much time then read our Big Brother Canada finale recap to find out what all happened!
You can watch Big Brother Canada 2 finale, episode 29, right now on Slice.ca, but if you’re outside Canada you’ll first need to visit Hola.org using a Chrome or Firefox browser. Install the free add-on then go over to Slice.ca and let Hola unblock the site by picking the little Canadian flag.
Here’s the direct link to watch Big Brother Canada 2 episode 29 online at Slice.
And if you’ve got the time, then be sure to watch the SideShow finale pre-show event as well. The pre-Jury evicted HGs were back and spoke with Arisa, Gary, and Peter about their experience and expectations.