Last night on Big Brother Canada the latest Power of Veto played out with surprising results for those not following the Live Feed, but even more surprising for those who do. That competition is what took six hours overnight?? No wonder the HGs were complaining bitterly over being kept up all night and Adel trapped in the HoH room for an extra hour seemingly over nothing.
Watch the full Veto episode for this week so you’re set and ready for tonight’s eviction show. What’s going to happen tonight might leave a lot of fans surprised and disappointed.
You can watch Big Brother Canada 2 episode 25 right now on Slice.ca, but if you’re outside Canada you’ll first need to visit Hola.org using a Chrome or Firefox browser. Install the free add-on then go over to Slice.ca and let Hola unblock the site by picking the little Canadian flag.
Here’s the direct link to watch BBCAN2 episode 25 online at Slice.