Big Brother Canada results last night revealed who was voted out of the BBCAN3 house when a planned blindside was put to the test and the Houseguests went inside the Diary Room to vote.

Will Zach and Jordan’s Newport alliance survive the night or will the Chop Shop alliance get a slice & dice of its own? We’re about to find out with nine votes on the line and no chance of a tie-breaker.
Once the vote is over we’ll get another Head of Household competition and let’s hope that one wraps up by the end of the episode. Who do you hope will take control as alliances battle it out for the next week of Big Brother Canada.
BBCAN3 Host Arisa Cox reveals this week’s evicted Houseguest will be the first member of the Jury.
Eviction Vote – Week 5:
- Kevin votes to evict Godfrey
- Pilar votes to evict Godfrey
- Brittnee votes to evict Jordan
- Sarah votes to evict Jordan
- Willow votes to evict Godfrey
- Bruno votes to evict Jordan
- Ashleigh votes to evict Godfrey
- Sindy votes to evict Jordan
- Bobby votes to evict Jordan
Whoa! Blindside action here tonight as we suspected. By a vote of 5-4, Jordan Parhar has been evicted!
Head of Household Comp – Week 6 – BBC Film Festival – Knockout style:
- Round 1: Bobby gets it right and eliminates… Sindy. Wait, what?
- Round 2: …
The show ends and we have a cliffhanger yet again. Grrr. Feeds are back and we have your spoilers!
Find out who won HoH tonight on Big Brother Canada!
What do you think of tonight’s BBCAN3 results? Were the right choices made?