The Vault was back in play on Big Brother Canada 3 as Houseguests Bobby Hlad and Sindy Nguyen have spent the past 24 hours trapped inside as we await the big “why?” answer.

On Monday we discovered Bobby & Sindy tucked away inside the Vault as their fellow HGs chatted to them through the sealed door. A clock in the corner counted down their 24 hour sentence as the pair giggled and goofed away the time. So what’s going on?
All we know so far is that these two BBCAN3 Houseguests were either selected or volunteered to go inside the Vault. If they waited out the 24 hours it seems the house would receive an award while if they pushed their buttons they instead would receive some prize.
The clock has counted down as of this morning and now we’re awaiting more details on just what will happen. We’ll keep you posted with more information revealed on the Big Brother Canada Live Feeds.
Update: Feeds have been mostly down since the clock ran out. Things were back briefly and Bobby mentioned something was fake, but Feeds cut before he could relay more info to Bruno. Things are still down because heaven forbid we get to watch Feeds on the Feeds… Sheesh.
Update 2: Eventually Feeds returned to Sindy having her birthday celebration, or at least it winding down. Feels like a lot of birthdays this season.