Looks like we could be lining up for a blindside tonight on Big Brother Canada 3 when the Houseguests head inside to vote against either Godfrey or Jordan.

The parts were all there for the making of an exciting week when Zach planned to surprise attack his Chop Shop allies by convincing everyone involved to use the Veto before he fulfilled the rest of the Veto Ceremony with his own plans. Now he’ll wish he had done so.
Overnight Godfrey may have found salvation when Brittnee managed to convince Bobby, this week’s potential swing vote, that Zach really had planned to backdoor Bobby or Bruno by the end of the week. Once Bobby learned all the details he was fully on board to flip the vote.
Right now there are nine outstanding votes which prevents Zach from having any say so if there were need of a tiebreaker. Five votes will be all it takes to evict either Jordan or Godfrey and after last night it looks like Jordan will be chatting with Arisa this evening.
Votes are lining up with Bruno, Bobby, Sarah, Brittnee, and yes, Sindy, who it turns out does have a vote this week despite not being eligible for the Veto competition. Hmm, makes me wonder if the rules changed to get us an exciting show tonight, but that’s the game of Big Brother.
On the other side of the votes we’ve got Willow, Ashleigh, Pilar, and Kevin voting out Godfrey. Right now they don’t know of the shift going on behind the scenes which should make this especially fun to watch. Zach had his chance and he blew it. Badly.
There’s still time to expose the plan and possibly change things back, but the clock is ticking and time is running out for either Jordan or Godfrey on Big Brother Canada 3.