Who is going to be evicted this week on Big Brother Canada? It’s time to get to our predictions and your votes on what’s going to happen in this week’s Diary Room vote.

The Power of Veto didn’t change things per the original plan which means either Jordan or Godfrey will be heading home with no chance of a return like we saw with Sindy this week. So will it be?
The vote could be close. Very close. Could be. There’s an effort to flip the house and vote out Jordan while he’s vulnerable. There by knocking out a leg from under Zach after he put his ally in the danger zone by leaving him on the block despite having the Veto to change that.
Nine votes are up for grabs this week on Big Brother Canada 3. Sarah is working with Sindy at the idea of keeping Godfrey by pulling in the votes of Brittnee and Bruno, but even that isn’t enough. They’ll need the pivot vote which belongs to Bobby.
If Bobby decides to stick with keeping Jordan because it’s what Zach wants and he’s true to the Chop Shop then I’d expect Bruno to shift solidly to the same support column as well. The rest are likely to follow as well since they’re worried the votes are easily identifiable.
We’ll have to keep an eye on Bruno and Bobby for the next day and a half as we approach Wednesday’s BBCAN3 eviction vote. What do you think will happen? Vote now in our poll below.