Tonight on Big Brother Canada 2 the season finale approaches as we’re down to our last Sunday episode of the year. Thursday night’s HoH comp left us in the lurch waiting to find out who had won a ticket to the F3. Tonight we’ll get to see that comp playout along with the next round of nominations. Also tonight are the Big Brother Canada Awards that left one HG extremely hungover from all the booze they received.
The girls’ decision to evict Adel over Sabrina left Jon as the last guy in the house and he’d likely be fighting the rest of the way to the end if he wanted to make it. Now we’ll get to wait and see what happens to his game next as he watches from the sidelines while the three remaining ladies battle for HoH.
The Big Brother Canada Feeds shut down today ahead of tonight’s show and after yesterday’s 8+ hour blackout for the PoV competition it’s a shame we didn’t get more time to bid them farewell, but at least we did discover who won this week’s Veto.
If you can’t wait until tonight to find out who won the HoH physical comp, who went up on the block, and who won the Power of Veto then check our Big Brother Canada spoilers board for all the latest results and updates.
The rest of this week will fly by as we’ve got a special eviction show on Wednesday that will knock us down to the Final 3 ahead of Thursday’s Big Brother Canada season finale.
Who do you want to see win the big money on Big Brother Canada 2? Share your thoughts!
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