Check out last night’s episode of Big Brother Canada 2 featuring what was easily the biggest, most wild Power of Veto Ceremony we’ve seen in the series!
There’s lots of silliness getting us up to the PoV events including a fantastic challenge by Marsha the Moose with no better target than Adel. That all resulted in a vomit-inducing date night so I’m not entirely jealous of that part. But keep watching for the big event at the end of the show.
Get caught up and ready for tonight’s BBCAN eviction show though after all the back and forth inside the house we think we know who is going home tonight. Or rather, going to Jury.
You can watch Big Brother Canada episode 19 right now on Slice.ca, but if you’re outside Canada you’ll first need to visit Hola.org using a Chrome or Firefox browser. Install the free add-on then go over to Slice.ca and let Hola unblock the site by picking the little Canadian flag.
Here’s the direct link to watch BBCAN2 episode 19 online at Slice.