The Big Brother Canada 2 HGs have a new challenge! They’re competing over the next 12 hours (started around 11:40AM ET on Sunday) to become the most “BuzzWorthy” HG.

Ika as the new HoH announced to the HGs that they had the next 12 hours to become the most popular HG on Twitter. The winner would get news from the outside world plus a special power, though this power was not named.
The men immediately stripped down including Arlie who took it all off. Ugh. Meanwhile the girls did not follow suit and some just put more clothes on for costumes. Gee, thanks ladies.
Be sure to use the hashtags given in the image above for each HG to make sure they get the points. Just put “#BBCAN” before the HG’s first name.
Which HG do you hope will win the contest? Jump on Twitter (join us there) and start voting!