Categories: BBCAN7

Big Brother Canada 7 Week 9.5 Eviction Spoilers-Who Went Home?

Arisa Cox hosts Big Brother Canada 6Arisa Cox hosts Big Brother Canada 6

This week should go as expected. We know that one of the Pretty Boys will leave, and it’s likely Mark. At the start of the week, Adam was the target, but the Veto shook the week to its core. Kyra had to do some damage control on Adam, which hasn’t completely worked out. Instead, this week put them in a worse position than when the week started.

Now unless the Kyra wins the Veto, they’re likely going to finish in fourth place. We’ll have to wait to see who actually leaves on Monday. This week will be a rapid week with feeds going down early and an instant eviction on Monday. Then the final Head of Household competition will start. But before we move on from this week, we have to see how things went on tonight’s eviction.

BBCAN7 Week 7 Week 9.5 Eviction Spoilers

  • Evicted: Mark 2-0
  • Head of Household: Dane

Are you mad, meh, or excited that Mark left the game?

Join us later tonight for more results and the recap of tonight’s BBCAN7 live eviction. Make sure to add us on Facebook and Twitter. Also download our app and sign up for email updates.

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