Categories: BBCAN7

Big Brother Canada 7 Finale Recap: The Winner Is…

It’s Big Brother Canada finale night. Tonight, we’ll see either Dane, Anthony, or Kyra take home the BBCAN7 crown. Before we get there, we have a lot of episode to get through.

Last night, Adam left the game in fourth place. Now we have one more eviction before the final two will sit in the hot seat. Let’s dive in and see who will face off in the Big Brother Canada finals.

BBCAN7 Week 10 Eviction Fall Out

Adam made sure to let Anthony know that Dane wouldn’t take him to the end. Anthony might be question if he can really trust Dane in the end. He might want to go to the finals with Kyra instead.

There was a 15 minute introduction/summary instead of any discussion on who to take to final two, and Adam’s eviction.

BBCAN7 Final Head of Household Part 1

Dane, Kyra, and Anthony compete in a mental competition.

Houseguests had to slide under a bamboo ladder to get disks back and forth from one side. They then needed to stack them on a floating circle table. They had to keep 25 disk stacked up. If any of them fell, they had to start over.

All three get close, but then knock them all over and must start again. All three get close twice, and then must restart. The third try is the charm for Dane.

Dane wins the first part of the HOH.

BBCAN7 Final Head of Household Part 2

The two losers of the first round face off in the second part.

Anthony and Kyra had to answer questions about events in the house. Each question would have multiple answers and they had to match all answers to get the question correct and move to the next one.

Anthony and Kyra both struggle on the second question. However, Kyra eventually gets it. Anthony continues to not see the one part that he has wrong, and he quits.

Kyra wins the second part of the final HOH. 

BBCAN7 Final Head of Household Part 3

The winners of part one and part two face off to decide on who will go to the end.

Will it be a Pretty Boy final two? Or will Kyra make it to the end?

They must answer A or B questions about events and the houseguests.

Question #1-Both get a point

Question #2-Both get a point

Question #3-Both get a point

Question #4-Dane gets a point

Question #5-Dane gets a point

Question #6-Dane gets a point

Dane becomes the final HOH!!

Dane decides to evict Kyra. He picks Anthony to go with him to the final two.  Kyra is not happy at all, and Anthony cries, and then they celebrate making it to the finals.

Questions and Final Speeches

Most of the jury believe that Anthony is the player that’s about to be evicted.

Sam asks Dane about why he lied so much. He said he never lied to the Pretty Boys.

Cory asks Anthony to finesse her and vote for him.

Este asks Anthony what he did in the game to deserve his confident.

Damien asks Dane why he deserves his loyalty.

Mark asks Dane what was his manipulative move.

Adam asks why he should get his vote after he wasn’t really loyal to him.

Kyra asks why Dane deserves their vote.

The first six houseguests return to answer some questions.

There is a segment on the secret missions, meltdowns, and the Pretty Boys alliance.

BBCAN7 Jury Segment

How will the jury react when they see Adam walk in? Who are the leaning towards as a winner?

Ika Wong comes out to host the jury segment. The jury try to guess who is coming out next. None of them want Adam to come out, and then he does it. Sam is sad but gives him a big kiss.

They discuss Dane’s game first, and then they discuss who they think doesn’t deserve to be there. Most of the jury says that Kyra doesn’t deserve to be at the end. They then discuss Anthony’s game. Most of them think he’s a good player. Cory says that she’s hurt by him but respects his game.

Ika tells them not to be petty and pick the best player. They also say that the final speeches could sway them.

BBCAN7 Final Vote

Sam VTW Dane
Cory VTW Dane
Este VTW Dane
Damien VTW Dane
Mark VTW Dane
Adam VTW Dane
Kyra VTW Dane

Dane is the winner of Big Brother Canada 7

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