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Big Brother Predictions: Who Will Win Big Brother Canada 7?

Tonight, we find out who takes the Big Brother Canada crown. Last night, we saw Adam become the fourth place finisher, leaving Anthony, Dane, and Kyra to fight it out for the big grand prize. It hasn’t been an easy road for any of the final three, so we can’t say that there is any player who doesn’t deserve to win. They have all played their own games to the best of their abilities. However, some of these Big Brother players have played better games than others.

Big Brother juries are very unpredictable. They could vote on logic and reason, they could vote on who burned them the least or they could vote based on misinterpretations of someone’s game. It’s really hard to truly predict where the jury will vote. However, we’re going to do our best to predict the outcome of this final vote in each possible scenario.

The first scenario is the Kyra and Dane one. If Dane and Kyra are together in the end, we expect the jury to vote as followed:

Sam votes for Dane to win
Cory votes for Dane to win
Este votes for Dane to win
Damien votes for Dane to win
Mark votes for Dane to win
Adam votes for Dane to win
Anthony votes for Dane to win

Sam has had a close relationship with Kyra most of the season, but she’s going to vote based on game. She knows that Dane has played the best game from the start. Este and Damien may be a little bitter about the way Dane played them, but they did not have much of a relationship with Kyra all season. They’ll respect Dane’s game more than Kyra’s game. And though Anthony, Mark, and Adam may be a little bitter about the way Dane got them out, we still see them giving him their votes in the end.

The next final two head to head is Kyra and Anthony. We see the votes going as followed:

Sam votes for Kyra to win
Cory votes for Anthony to win
Este votes for Anthony to win
Damien votes for Anthony to win
Mark votes for Anthony to win
Adam votes for Anthony to win
Dane votes for Anthony to win

This one is a little harder to predict, because many of the jury members aren’t huge fans of Anthony’s game. They also might not see much difference from his game and Kyra’s game, though one definitely had a more dominant hand in the moves this season. We believe in an Anthony vs Kyra situation, Sam will be able to justify voting for her friend over the guy who tried to get her out all season. Cory may be a little bitter about how Anthony used her, but we still think she respects him enough to give him her vote. The Pretty Boys will also continue their loyalty by voting for Anthony in the end.

The final scenario, and the one that would be the most exciting, is a Anthony vs Dane showdown. We see the votes going like this:

Sam votes for Dane to win
Cory votes for Anthony to win
Este votes for Dane to win
Damien votes for Dane to win
Mark votes for Anthony to win
Adam votes for Dane to win
Kyra votes for Dane to win

This one might end in a Dane vote domination again, but there are some votes that might swing towards Anthony. Cory, Kyra, and Mark all had closer relationships with Anthony than Dane. This could hurt or help Anthony. They might want to show him loyalty with their votes or they may vote bitter for how he betrayed them. This would be the only scenario where the Pretty Boys split their votes. Anthony and Dane both burned Adam, but we think he likes Dane better. He would most likely let go of his anger towards Dane and give him the vote. We expect Dane to win against Anthony, but we’re just not sure by how many votes.

In all final two situations where Dane is in them, we see him winning. The only chance Anthony wins is if Dane doesn’t make it to the final two. We don’t think Kyra wins in any scenario, unless a very bitter jury. So if we were betting all our imaginary Monopoly money on a winner tonight, we’d put it all on Dane.

Who do you think will win Big Brother Canada 7?

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Make sure to join us tonight for more finale spoilers and our final recap. Stay up to date with everything Big Brother Canada by adding us on Facebook and Twitter.

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