Big Brother Canada 12 Spoilers: Week 2 Power of Veto Competition And Ceremony Results

Today, the Big Brother Canada 12 Digital Dailies dropped a huge six-hour special. This included basically all the action from the weekend. It was a very busy one. We’ll get more into the big target shift in another post, but now, let’s focus on what happened at the second BBCAN12 Power of Veto Competition and Ceremony. 

On Friday, the train kept moving towards a Vivek eviction. Anthony and Victoria wanted him out, and Victoria was the Head of Household. She even pulled a flashy move to get Bayleigh and Donna on board to evict Vivek. The only wrench in their plan could have been if Vivek won Veto and took himself off.

This weekend showcased a full shift in target focus. Vivek started the week as the target, but that’s not exactly how the week is going to end. Avery, Lexus, and  Dinis were chosen to play in the POV Competition with nominees Elijah and Vivek. So who won the Big Brother Canada 12 Power of Veto Competition? And what happened at the Ceremony? Read below to find out.

BBCAN12 Week 2 Power of Veto Competition

  • Dinis won it. 

BBCAN12 Week 2 Power of Veto Ceremony

  • Dinis used the Veto to save Vivek. Victoria named Donna as his replacement.

There is a lot to talk about, but basically, Dinis decided to save Vivek because they are closely aligned. He even mentioned seeing him as the son he never had. Victoria also told Vivek and Dinis that there was a bigger plan in motion, but didn’t tell them who her target was this week. They thought it was Matt. It was Donna. Donna has been getting under Victoria’s skin all week, especially with her aggressive gameplay and push for Victoria to target Tola.

There are several reasons why Victoria targeted Donna, but the main source is that Victoria felt that Donna was trying to control her Head of Household, and she didn’t like that. Victoria also sees more value in working with Tola and Matt, and getting on Vivek’s good side than working with Bayleigh and Donna. The March 17 (posted on March 18) Digital Dailies ended after the Veto Ceremony. Donna was rightfully pissed.

We’ll see more of that fallout tomorrow.

What do you think of Victoria’s decision to save Vivek and target Donna? 

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