Big Brother Canada 10 Episode 9 Recap: The Wrong Side Of A Blindside

Gino on Big Brother Canada 10Gino on Big Brother Canada 10

Thursday’s Big Brother Canada 10 Live Eviction episode ended with Kyle Moore, Stephanie Paterson, Steven “Gino” Giannopoulos, and Jacey-Lynne Graham on the wrong side of a blindside. The house united in voting out Stephanie instead of Josh Nash. The entire house knew about this vote flip but outgoing HOH Kyle and his friends Gino and Jacey-Lynne. It didn’t look good for Jacey-Lynne, Kyle, and Gino, as they would obviously become the house’s targets.

However, a Big Brother Canada 10 miracle happened and Gino, at least, was guaranteed another week in the house by winning the Head of Household competition. For this Monday’s Big Brother Canada 10 recap, we’ll see who Gino decides to target with block nominations. With so many players not telling him about the blindside, he has options. However, will he pick the right players to target?

Let’s get into this week’s Big Brother Canada 10 Monday episode recap!

BBCAN10 Week 4 Eviction And HOH Aftermath

Gino was betrayed by every single ally, except Kyle and Jacey-Lynne, so how does he build fences, and who can he trust, if anyone? Will Gino make a big move or play it safe this week?

Jacey-Lynne, Kyle, and Gino were confused on what happened. Jacey-Lynne blames both Kyle and Gino for this mess. Hermon explains to Gino and Kyle how he didn’t feel respected by Kyle and he didn’t want to continue to play Kyle’s game. He felt the house felt the same way, which is why they voted out Stephanie.

Jacey-Lynne blames Gino at first, but know he’s one of the few in the house that she can actually trust. Gino asks the houseguests questions to figure out who he can trust. Some of the questions are serious game ones, while others are more silly questions.

Summer tells Tynesha and Hermon that Gino is targeting Marty. Hermon and Summer both admit they said Marty was the person they didn’t want to see go home because they thought he was the closest to Gino. Tynesha worried that she might go up.

Gino was planning to nominate Tynesha because he knew she said his name. He also considered Jess because he considered them an influential player. Jacey-Lynne warns Gino that putting up Tynesha could be”messy” and that he didn’t want to “make the same mistake as Kyle.”

BBCAN10 Week 4 Nominations

Who will Gino decide to make his initial targets for the week?

Gino nominates Marty and Jess for eviction!

Marty isn’t happy with Gino’s speech, but he’s okay with being nominated.

Random Notes

  • Big Brother Canada gives them a pizza party with drinks, games, and food.
  • Gino takes Josh to his Wendy date. He sees Sarah from BBCAN3, who he doesn’t know she is because he didn’t watch her season.
  • Betty and Kevin are now friends.

Join us Wednesday at 7/6 CT for another all-new Big Brother Canada 10 live recap. We’ll find out who wins the Power of Veto Competition, and whether that means Gino changes his targets. Make sure to follow us all spring for more Big Brother Canada 10 spoilers, recaps, exclusives, and so much more. Add us on Facebook, Twitter, and download our app!

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