Big Brother Canada 10 Spoilers: Week 4 Power of Veto Ceremony Results

What a difference a day makes in the Big Brother Canada 10 house, and how damaging a week can be if a Head of Household plays it wrong. Kyle Moore may join the ranks of Big Brother players who had disastrous weeks and then went right out the BBCAN doors the following week. Kyle was looking pretty safe once Steve “Gino” Giannopoulous won the Head of Household competition. However, you should never feel comfortable in the Big Brother Canada house and Kyle may learn that lesson today. 

If you’ve been keeping up with Big Brother Canada 10 spoilers, then you know that Gino has been considering backdooring Kyle. After some critical game talks, Gino saw the opportunity to cut ties with Kyle, who everyone was telling him would sink his game, and hopefully repair some relationships. Gino seemed pretty set on nominating Kyle once Martin “Marty” Frenette used the Veto to save himself this week, but did Gino have a change of heart?

It would be hard for Gino to back out of his plan to nominate Kyle, especially after letting so many other players in on his plan. He also made sure to keep Kyle completely oblivious to his plan. Kyle thought Betty Yirsaw would go up, but he was pitching for his forever game enemy Moose Bendago to go up on the block, all while being Gino and the house’s main target. Gino planned to tell Kyle about his plan to nominate, and essentially evict him, right before the Power of Veto Ceremony. 

Gino stuck to his word and told Kyle right before the Veto Ceremony. Kyle took the end of his game pretty well. He was understanding and basically accepted that he’s likely going home on Thursday.

BBCAN10 Week 4 Power Of Veto Ceremony Results

  • Marty used the Veto to save himself. Gino nominated Kyle as his replacement.

Kyle would need a Big Brother Canada 10 miracle to stay this week. He would also need some game skills that he doesn’t seem to possess. We’ll have to wait to see how the rest of the week plays out, but it would completely shock me if Kyle ends up staying this week. 

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