Categories: BBCAN8

Who Went Home Tonight? BBCAN8 Week 2 Eviction Recap

Tonight is the second Big Brother Canada 8 eviction night episode. However, it is only the first eviction of the season. Nico chose to leave the BBCAN8 game before he could be voted out of the house. He became very down on himself when Canada voted him in the bottom four, and then he lost two competitions back-to-back. Nico believed he had no chance to win the votes over Susanne, so he decided to leave the house instead of wait a few more days for eviction.

After Nico’s departure, Chris became the first Head of Household of the season. He nominated Brooke and Hira as pawns, but had a plan to break up the obvious four-person alliance of Micheal, Rianne, John Luke, and Madeline. He went for the head of the snake by backdooring Micheal. This didn’t make any of the Evictors happy, but things seem to be going in Chris’s favor.

The house plans to vote out Micheal, and stay true to their word and Chris’s wishes.

BBCAN8 Week 2 Power of Veto Ceremony Fall Out:

The Evictors are pissed about the Micheal backdoor. Who will get their fury most?

John Luke and Maddy especially take the Micheal backdoor hard. Meanwhile, Minh takes credit (in the DR) for getting Micheal on the block. Maddy tells Chris that she would never work with him after this betrayal. Micheal calls Chris a coward for not telling him days ago that he made the decision to target him.

Chris wakes up the houseguests for a new task with a special reward. They celebrate summer by acting like it’s summer in a cold, rainy area. The last player to leave wins the prize. John Luke, Hira, Angie, and Micheal win the task and get a special BBQ.

Minh-Ly encourages Micheal to call Kyle out to help his game. Micheal decides to listen to her and call him out in the kitchen.

BBCAN8 Week 2 Eviction Vote:

Can Micheal flip the vote against Brooke?

Angie VTE Micheal

Maddy VTE Brooke

John Luke VTE Brooke

Rianne VTE Brooke

Susanne VTE Micheal

Carol VTE Micheal

Kyle VTE Micheal

Minh-Ly VTE Micheal

Jamar VTE Micheal

Sheldon VTE Micheal

Hira VTE Micheal

Micheal is evicted by a vote of 9-3

He gives a kiss to Maddy before he leaves.

BBCAN8 Week 3 Head of Household Competition:

Which player will gain all the power this week?

For this Head of Household competition, the houseguests had to slip and slide to find yellow tubes. They need to put those yellow tubes in another houseguests tube. Once a houseguest gets ten balls in their tube, they’re eliminated. The first four players eliminated become Have-Nots for the week. The last player eliminated becomes Head of Household.

The episode ended with Maddy being near elimination, but no one out yet.

Join us later tonight to find out who won this week’s Head of Household via spoilers.

Join us again Sunday for another recap, and stick close to the site for more spoilers!

Make sure to join us all season for more Big Brother Canada 8 news. Add us on Facebook, Twitter, and download our app!

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