As we’ve come to expect from Big Brother Canada in its debut season, the Feeds never manage to really stay off when they’re supposed to which means we’ve got spoilers for you. Avert your eyes if you want this to remain a surprise for Sunday’s episode.
According to reports there is a rift between Alec and Topaz. Topaz, who became HoH on Thursday, nominated AJ & Andrew with Andrew being the main target. Alec didn’t comply and instead voted for AJ to go home. So now Topaz and Alec are fighting or at least at odds in the house which pushes her farther in to Gary’s corner.
After barely avoiding eviction Andrew made a comeback and snagged the next Head of Household. We’re not sure who he’ll nominate or if that’s even happened already. Sounds like Andrew maybe possibly nominated Gary and Topaz. Maybe not. He could just be considering them like he was considering Emmett & Jillian as noms.
We’ll keep an eye out for any more Big Brother spoilers for you from the Feeds or other leaked sources ahead of Sunday’s show.
In the meantime, you can watch the captured video from last night’s “oops” leak event where the Feeds appeared on just one camera for almost fifteen minutes.
Source: Twitter